Our 4th-year students have been studying the democratic process in the
Social Sciences end of our Science books. Last Wednesday, we had
an opportunity to actively participate and vote in a democratic,
decision-making Children's Council at the Museo Príncipe Felipe in
the Ciudad de Artes y Ciéncias.
In the weeks before the council meeting, we proposed and discussed
different ideas for new permanent exhibitions at the museum.
We finally decided to promote two ideas:
1) a large, suspended-from-the-ceiling, proportionally-accurate model of
the Solar System, with interesting and easy-to-understand information for
us to read and learn, and game and colouring activities for fun at the end.
2) the Evolution of Human Beings: who we were and who we are.
We liked the idea of photo-op cutout boards of a man and a woman from
different eras of time, dressed in the clothing and with objects from that time,
with simple yet interesting explanations of what life was like for people then.
Our ideas were proposed (Ed.note -Thanks Aida, Paula, Maria & Lydia.)
to the other children in the council from other participating schools.
While they weren't the ideas chosen, our teachers were proud of us
because in the end, we voted for other ideas we thought were better.
Democracy at its best.
Here are a few photos of our 4th-year council representatives in action.