
10 de junio de 2015


In 4th Primary Science this year, our final 
two units (14 and 15) were about human history, 
from Primitive Times to the Present Here and Now.
Here below are compilations 
of the research poster projects 
that we did for these units.
(Just click to enlarge.)
“The Past actually happened,
but History is only what someone wrote down.” 
- A. Whitney Brown
“We are not makers of History.
We are made by History.” 
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
“Those who do not remember the Past
are condemned to repeat it.”  
- George Santayana
“I like the dreams of the Future
better than the history of the Past.” 
- Thomas Jefferson
“You see things; and you say “Why?”  
But I dream things that never were;
and I say “Why not?” 
- George Bernard Shaw